Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ER update

I had the ER today. I was so nervous going in. I was worried that they wouldn't get any mature eggs (or not enough anyway).

It was quite funny, because I had a personal connection to every member of my health team in the operating room. My Mom is a nurse and is good friends with two of the nurses that did the ER. My lovely acupuncturist is married to the anesthetist, and he was told to take extra good care of me. And I know the RE and embryologist from years of attending the fertility clinic. So it was a nice, family affair!

So, they ended up getting five mature eggs that can be injected! I know it's not a high number, but it's a good number for me. Last time I got four eggs which resulted in three embryos (and a live baby) so five eggs is good result for us.

I'm really hoping to get at least three embryos.

Now the waiting begins as we wait for the first fert report tomorrow.

Thanks again for your support and encouragement. I'm finally starting to feel a small glimmer of hope.

1 comment:

  1. That just awesome...really great news. Remember, it's quality, not quantity :) That's what I kept telling myself after my ER got 5. Keep us posted. I remember being so nervous waiting for the fert report.
