Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Embryo transfer complete!

We had the embryo transfer yesterday and it went really well.

I was nervous waiting to hear about the quality of the embryos. Two of them made it to blast and were high quality which is great. Our RE (who is very measured and not excitable) was genuinely pleased if not thrilled with the quality of the embryos which was encouraging.

So the mood in the room of the transfer was very upbeat and positive.

We transferred one embryo (as my RE doesn't recommend two unless over a certain age), and we froze the other embryo as backup. There is still some faint hope that one or two of the slower embryos may also make it to blast today to be frozen. The clinic will call us to let us know.

So now we're into the two week wait. I'm feeling calm and positive, but my DD is not sleeping! I've been up all night for the last four nights and am completely exhausted now. Please DD, please get some sleep so I can rest and won't feel so grumpy.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it couldn't have gone any better than it did. Now kick back and relax (well, at least as much as DD will let you!) Hope she starts sleeping better for you.
