Thursday, April 7, 2011

Feeling my way in the Dark

It's been a week since DH returned from his last business trip. It's great to have him home again. Life is just so busy at the moment. I really enjoy being a Mom. Our little girl is full of life. She is extremely active and gets bored very quickly. It is a tiring job to keep her occupied, but it is very enjoyable. DH and I were talking tonight about the FET. Right now, we just feel like life is so busy. I couldn't even imagine going through IVF at the moment. I think the prospect of him going away is just so daunting that I can't imagine the stress of IVF too. So we both agreed that we're feeling our way in the dark. I'm not sure when I'll feel ready to do the FET. I just know that I don't feel ready now. Hopefully I will feel ready sometime in the coming 2 to 6 months. But for now we're just enjoying each day together.


  1. Here here to just enjoying each day!!! The rest will figure itself out...or you will once the time is right.

  2. XXOO thinking of you - lisa, meinsideout, using my old ID
