Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Putting things in perspective

I was so surprised to read my last blog entry and see two comments from my old bloggy friends Sue and Lisa. Thanks so much guys - you are awesome.

It's funny how much can happen in a week that puts things in perspective.

My pregnant friend had a miscarriage, so I've spent a lot of the week in contact with her. She is holding up really well despite the awfulness of what she's going through.

My best friend is currently living and working in Tokyo. After the earthquake and tsunami last week, she has been going through hell. It really puts things in perspective.

My other friend is having a lot of trouble TTC # 2 and envies ME that I have 2 frozen embies to try. That's a first - someone envying MY fertility (or lack of)!

And funnily enough, my two other friends who decided to try for #3 have both decided that they're not going to try for another baby now. Apparently 2 kids are more than enough.

DH and I decided that we'll try one FET in June. If it works I'll be due 6 weeks after he gets home. If it doesn't work, I'll have a break for a few months and will try the second FET in September.

I feel really good about this plan. IVF is on the radar, but it's not until June so I can have some breathing space.

In other news, DH and I planned a really romantic night last night as he is off to Washington for work for 2 weeks today. Just as we were in the middle of enjoying our night (if you get what I mean), we heard some strange sounds coming through the baby monitor. I leaped out of bed to check on her and she had puked all over the place. The poor little thing! She puked and puked all night. I had to bath her twice in the night, and change her clothes 5 times. DH and I hardly got any sleep and we were exhausted and felt filthy this morning when he left. So much for a romantic send off!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! Appreciate it. I look forward to getting up to speed on yours and following your journey. Sounds like you have a lot on my mind these days, with a possible FET and hubby's deployment. But it also sounds like you are keeping things in a good perspective.
