Saturday, September 17, 2011

Trying to get well

Wow - Since my husband left on his deployment 7 weeks ago, things have been crazy. Life is super busy with an active toddler and only me to care for her.

I am a believer that all things work out for a reason. Part of me is quite relieved that I'm not pregnant right now. I feel so exhausted and overwhelmed at times that I don't think I have the capacity to "give" anything more to anyone (or sustain a pregnancy for that matter).

I went to see the regular Doctor recently and had some blood tests done. The results indicated that I am very Iron deficient and somewhat Vit D deficient (as I always stay out of the sun). I am relieved that there is a physical reason for my exhaustion, and I'm on suppliments and dietary changes to try to rectify this.

I haven't seen my RE in a while. I'm going to see her this week to let her know about the recent blood tests. I also need to figure out when to do the next FET. I am thinking that November would be perfect timing for me, but I need to get more energy first.

I am going to start doing my grocery shopping online, and maybe will get a cleaner in too. Any other ideas for how to reduce the housework?

I'll post again after the appointment with the RE.......

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