Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bloods start tomorrow

Tomorrow is Day 11, and I start bloods. I'll probably have blood tests for a couple of days and the frozen transfer will be in about a week.

I'm feeling pretty good about everything at the moment. I'm just trying to enjoy every day with my husband while he's here. In fact, I've been feeling so relaxed about IVF that I almost forgot that my bloods start tomorrow!

We've just had a LOT going on this month. Preparing for my husband's deployment has been keeping me very busy. Our little 16 month old daughter is also a very active little lady. I've been a bit worried about how I will cope with her 24/7 for six months while my husband is away. I'm going to look into getting her into some sort of care one day a week so I can have some time to myself when my husband leaves.

I'll keep posting - mainly so I can keep track of everything going on this month!

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